European Media Art Festival
Lohstr. 45 A
dal 2/5/2000 al 7/5/2000
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European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck

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From 3 to 7 May 2000 the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL once again presents a cross section of the variety of innovative and experimental media art. Productions by internationally renowned artists will be shown as well as works by creative young talents who stand out with their inventiveness and their joy in creating unconventional images.

Around 1500 works from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia were submitted to the different sections of the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL - more than ever before. The experimental and innovative aesthetic concepts of the 230 films, videos, installations, performances, CD-ROMs and Internet works selected for the festival give a fascinating insight into the //now/future of media art. This year the main focus is on the thrilling symbiosis of light (projections), movement and music, as well as the discussion on our sample and remix culture.

film and video
The EMAF presents 134 productions in the international selection lasting from one minute up to full-length films and videos. Apart from the classic themes of love and death authors tend to orientate themselves on classic avant-garde models. Image and sound can technically be considered equal and the abstract visuals often go hand in hand with modern soundscapes and samples. Thus, they form the connecting link between this years's retrospective and the festival's VEEJAY-GROOVE.
Everyone is on tenterhooks awaiting this year's decision of the AG der Filmjournalisten, the association of film journalists traditionally who award the German Film Criticism Prize to the best German experimental film and video production of the year.

Len Lye born in New Zealand 1901, is known as a famous figure in experimental cinema as well as a leading kinetic sculptor and innovative theorist, painter and writer. He was a pioneer of `direct film´, made without a camera or other technical devices by painting and scratching images directly onto the celluloid-material. This retrospective gives a general overview of his experimental film work, his life and his ambitious sculptural work, which he worked on until his death in New York in 1980.

video-café and video-gallery
The video café offers the chance to watch all international works on video. The video gallery presents a thrilling selection of European films and videos that were selected from the cooperating festivals in Germany, Croatia, Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland and travel as a Travelling-Project to each festival.

electronic lounge
Via numerous current CD-ROMs and websites EMAF's electronic lounge gives the public the opportunity to keep up with the latest trends in digital art.

The premiere of the performance Med Machine will be presented in Osnabrück by Jessica Levy, Sean Tuan John and Bernd Terstegge. Med Machine is an erotic laboratory, in which images from medicine, science, technology and sadomasochism plus old computers will be deconstructed in a spectacular fashion. With playful irony video images, computer animations, digital loops and theatrical elements are manipulated live.

european digital visions
The congress accompanies the festival and asks decisive questions about the way our mediatised society views itself culturally. It gives insight into the latest media developments and projects. The symposium Körperschnitt & BodyScan focuses on the body's real and virtual dimensions while New Digital Formats presents new digital media projects.

Körperschnitt & BodyScan
With the overpowering victory of old and new mass media like television and the Internet individual identity as inscribed in humanism is disappearing rapidly. The individual happily immerses himself into the interface of global virtuality and experiences himself as an oscillating variety: "We are interfaces completely exposed to input and output", observes the Swiss cultural philosopher and writer Gerhard Johann Lischka.
Together with the media theoreticians and artists Thomas Feuerstein, Katharina Gsöllpointner, Ursula Hentschläger and Stefan Weber, Gerhard Johann Lischka will discuss the liberating and captivating aspects of an extensive media osmosis: Are we threatened to forget our real body because of all these virtual experiences? How far are we into the age of technology and to what extend is our body already dependent on technology? Are there no limits to the deconstruction of our bodies? Where do we cross the line and only indulge in what Stefan Weber describes as "the joy of immortality": "To escape the current dialectics of hating our body and body fetishism I am eager to discard my mortal body and to live as a sample, cut & paste body forever"?

new digital formats
The digitalisation of the media opens endless possibilities to new formats, contents and distribution. Thus, the EMAF has initiated the European Digital Media Network (EDMN), a project sponsored by the EU, that will install a European media chanel on web-television. The concrete realisation will be discussed during the congress by members of ten European countries. In addition, a series of interesting cultural projects will be presented, for example i2TV, an interactive Internet telvevision project developed by Mars Lab of GMD, Bonn, presented by Jasminko Novak and Wolfgang Strauss, the online Encyclopaedia New Media created by the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and the Centre of Contemporary Art in Geneva, presented by Christine van Assche , or the web-project Digital Film-Festival from San Francisco, introduced by Jonathan Wells.

David Guez and Anais Lemignan, Paris, will present the project TV-ART.Net, which as a web-TV project has a special focus on arts and culture. New projects of the Ponton Media Art Lab, Hannover will be presented by Benjamin Heidersberger.
Cross plattform projects and the development of interfaces between interactive media, the web and TV are the thematical focus of a presentation by Susan Kennard from the Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada.

Permanent Flux presented by the publishers Yariv Alter Fin and Bastian Lips, Amsterdam, shows the perspectives of four multimedia insiders Laurie Anderson, Siegfried Zielinski, Paul Garrin and Paul Evers on past, present and future of multimedia art.

student forum
Do you prefer virtual reality? Or do you prefer the realistic reality? In both cases this year's film and video selection in the student forum is a good choice: refreshing and unusual productions ranging from the Wild West to parallel worlds invite you to linger. The exhibition of installations also offers an experience between dream and brutal fact - is it real or isn't it? Exciting new productions from German and European students are awaiting to be discovered.

exhibition 3.-28. may 2000 The exhibition corresponds in varied aspects to this year's festival motto //now/future. The exhibited works express their vision of media art in a fresh and innovative way. They point to a future that is influenced by infinite data spaces, biogenetics and spare time as work and/or the purpose in life.
The interactive multimedia installation Text Rain by Romy Achituv and Camille Utterbeck from New York will be shown as a European premiere where the borders between reality and magic become blurred. Words and texts come down like rain on the screen. Using his body as an "interface" the viewer can catch the symbols, balance them on his head, arms or hands and create a new order: in this installation "writing" becomes a physical act.

Arrival - Departure by Bjørn Melhus interprets the future body as an androgynous double being that was conceived and animated in the sexless cyberspace. "Raum-Möbel" Séparée by Stefanie Klekamp invites the viewer to a very intimate but voyeristic observation of a female body. The Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche will exhibit two exceptional works by the French artist Pierrick Sorin called Title variable No.2 and Pierrick coupe des boits, plus the installation Mother Mary by the American artist Gregory Barsamian. In addition the following works will be exhibited in the Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche: Wie heißt Du? - Ivana by Wiebke Grösch and Frank Metzger, A Brief Flash by Theo Lenders, Metathesis by Ben Owen-Jones, Statement by Robert Hutter, Electric Shrom by Antenne Springborn and the ZKM produced work Small Fish by Kiyoshi Furukawa, Masaki Fujihata and Wolfgang Münich.

With the project Die Luft über dem Toaster Norbert Schliewe presents the interface of analog and digital recording media in a temporary media lab.

Optiballs by Heiko Hansen can be seen as a consequent development of office health balls in the last ten years. The balls start to glow when you use them, and depending on the movements of the person sitting on them the colours change.

Together with Osnabrück's EXPO-Kultur-Sommer the EMAF will realize Wartesignale by Mina Hagedorn and Heiko Hansen, an interactive light installation that will be installed in the bus terminal in front of Osnabrück's central station.

For the first time the EMAF will award the OLB-Medienkunstpreis. This media art prize is worth a total of DM 8000. Two exceptional works from the sections video, computer and multimedia installations will be chosen. The criteria are first of all the inventive artistic approach and the seismographical feeling for new developments in our mediatised society. Monika Fleischmann (GMD, Bonn), Katharina Gsöllpointner (Uni Salzburg) and Heiner Holtappels (Monte Video/TBA, Amsterdam) will be on the jury panel.

From 14 April to 12 May the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL presents the innovative crossover of media art and dance floor projects in a series of events held in Amsterdam, Osnabrück, Wilhelmshaven and Berlin. VEEJAY-GROOVE picks up a trend that is clearly taking shape in the capital club scene: the expansion of conventional DJ club culture to a multimedia event. The virtuoso use of video tapes and computer animation create constantly changing visual spaces and make the club audience the oscillated centre of a digital piece of art.

After the starting event on 14 April in Amsterdam's legendary Melkweg, an especially redesigned warehouse in Osnabrück's harbour will be the central meeting place for the international DJ and VJ avant-garde on 6 May. For the first time, DJ Spooky from New York and Alec Empire will fight a DJ-VJ battle with their VJs Art Jones and Philipp Virus. Further party highlights will be the London formation The Herbaliser from the independent label Ninja Tune, as well as Erobique who is famous for his bombastic home organ sound and DJ Koze, recently nominated Best DJ by Spex readers.
The VJ group Lichtsport will design the Osnabrücker Hellmann-Halle using wide screen projections, as well as numerous video projectors, mixing desks, turntables and live cameras.

Simultaneously with the event in Osnabrück, a Parisian Night will be held in Wilhelmshaven's Pumpwerk. The French techno star Kid Loco and the DJs Lab Insect and Automat will perform live. The VJ association Skwa'x & Larsen- Family, the found footage artists Labs as well as the rave dance group Les Asteroides will make sure the night will be a visual spectacle.
For now the last VeeJay-Groove event will be held in Berlin's Maria am Ostbahnhof with the Terranova DJ Set, FM Einheit/Gry and the VJs monitor automatique, Rainer Remake, Dura Lux and many more.

On the website the whole event can be experienced live as interactive Internet video stream.
On 29 July a three hour festival documentary can be seen on the German television programme N3-Fernseh-Night, which will be produced by the European Media Art Festival in cooperation with the College of Art and Media in Cologne.

Other programmes yet to be finalized will be listed in the festival programme (appearing 16. April 2000), which will be sent on request. A catalogue will be published at the beginning of the festival.

European Media Art Festival
PO Box 1861
Lohstr. 45 A
D-49074 Osnabrück


European Media Art Festival
dal 20/4/2010 al 24/4/2010

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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